

Environment, development and energy: the link between these elements is – as is known from issues relating to the climate – far from balanced. Let's take two macro data into consideration.

First, in 2018 the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the main gas responsible for the greenhouse effect, exceeded that of 2017: 407.8 parts per million (ppm), against 405.5 parts per million (data World Meteorological Observatory). This increase, higher than the average of the last decade, does not bode well for the future of our planet.

Second, today again 840 million people in the world, have no access to modern, continuous and safe forms of energy. But not only. 2.9 billion individuals use fuels that are harmful to both health and the environment to cook - but this also applies to heating and lighting environments.

The implementation of projects involving the production of energy from renewable sources appears – today and in the future – as the solution capable of bringing the three elements together in a point of balance.

An example? He comes from India and concerns the construction of hydroelectric power plant in the province of Himachal Pradesh, in the north of the country. The infrastructure, located in Kinnaur district, is aimed at ensuring renewable and sustainable energy to local communities in an area marked by poverty and lack of access to energy. The construction of the power plant will bring economic-social benefits important both in the short and medium-long term, starting from the creation of jobs in the implementation phase, to reach the concrete development of the territory concerned from the point of view of production and commercial activities, infrastructures and services.


He also makes his contribution to the Indian project Audax Energy with the choice to supply to its customers only “climate neutral” natural gas”.

In practice, CO emissions2 resulting from the supply of natural gas are "compensated" through the purchase of carbon credits. The latter - effective and consolidated financial instruments - subsidize internationally certified sustainable development projects. So that energy, sustainability and development finally find their virtuous convergence.

Not only. The program to which Audax Energia participates is in line with i Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainable Development Goals) that the United Nations they launched in 2015: 17 goals for a world with less inequality. Specifically, that of the Indian hydroelectric power plant involves:


Finally, Audax Energia has chosen Carbonsink Group, an Italian company specialized in offsetting CO emissions, as a partner in this initiative2.  

Image© Aman Jakhar from Pexels

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