
Gas: governing and consolidating this year's strong growth

Q. Director García, is it already possible to draw up a first budget for 2018?

Without a doubt, the year we are experiencing has been full of challenges. Above all because the increase in 80% compared to the previous year forced us - and it could only be like this - to review our raw material purchasing policy (natural gas) and to implement a series of innovations relating to the creation of products designed for the end user. Only in this way is it possible to keep up with market demands and continue to grow harmoniously.

Q. How do you intend to move to meet the demands of a market that has grown so much?

With respect to sales, our commitment is and - increasingly - will be to offer a wide and diversified range of products capable of satisfying customers with different needs regarding natural gas consumption.

Q. What actions do you plan to take?

One concerns the purchase of raw materials. Our objective is, in the medium term, to shorten the supply chain, moving ever closer to the manufacturer. Only in this way is it possible to find framework agreements that allow savings on the purchase cost which, in turn, allow us to offer economically advantageous tariffs to users.

Q. In numerical terms, what is the commitment of the Audax Group in the gas sector?

As a Group we supply the equivalent of 3 TWh/year of natural gas in the 6 European countries where we are present, serving over 65 thousand customers.

Q. The world of gas understood as market, supply and prices is greatly affected by the geopolitical situation. How do you judge the current situation and what prospects do you see?

Observing the international situation, there are different indications that point towards stable growth in the sector, at least in the coming years. In fact, if until recently gas production was concentrated in countries that were politically unstable or subject to cyclical turbulence, today the entry onto the scene of players such as Canada and Australia is changing the situation somewhat towards stabilisation.

However, another element, different from geopolitics but potentially capable of changing the situation, should not be underestimated: demand.

Q. Does this mean that we are moving towards this energy source globally?

In a certain way, yes. Let's say that as a much less polluting fuel than coal and oil, natural gas is transforming into a fundamental player in sectors such as transport and electricity generation. Gas is also seen as an ideal back-up technology for renewable energy sources.

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