

Natural Gas Only 100% CO2 free for Audax Renewables. Since September, in fact, the energy sales company has decided to supply its customers only "climate neutral" natural gas, in line with the policy in favor of increasingly "green" energy of the Audax Renovables group of which Audax Renewables is part. A choice which, without burdening users in any way, will help support initiatives of socio-environmental value, especially in emerging areas of the planet.

Since the entry into force of the Kyoto Climate Protocol, greenhouse gas emissions fully offset through the use of certified carbon credits have become extremely important financial instruments. In addition to being incentive factors for the use of increasingly less polluting sources, they translate into investments in sustainable development projects where, in the world, it is most needed.

Within the Audax Renewables program, the initiatives financed through this mechanism are essentially aimed at the "Last Developed Countries" (in Africa and Asia above all) and involve a strong involvement of local communities with the active support of Italian NGOs. In this first phase, areas of Mozambique and India will be affected through the implementation of projects aimed at the production of green energy from solar photovoltaic, wind and hydroelectric power.

In fact, these are certified programs that bring socio-economic benefits in line with the "Sustainable Development Goals" that the United Nations launched in 2015: food and food security, access to drinking water and energy modern and sustainable, education, health and well-being, gender equality. These are some of the 17 goals for a world with less inequalities.

“We are happy to contribute, with our work, to the creation of concrete and sustainable projects in less advantaged areas. Sustainability is the path on which we want to continue, both as Audax Renewables and as the Audax Renovables group” states Francesco Calabretta, country manager for Italy of Audax Energia.

Even today, in fact, 840 million people in the world have no access to modern, continuous and safe forms of energy. But not only. 2.9 billion individuals use fuels that are harmful to both health and the environment for cooking - but this also applies to heating and lighting environments, while 2 billion inhabitants of the planet do not have access to drinking water.

Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go, but thanks to many interventions like these it is possible to achieve real change. 



Audax Renewables has chosen Carbonsink Group, an Italian company specialized in offsetting CO emissions2, as a partner for this initiative. Carbonsink is the only Italian company that since 2015 has been a member of ICROA, the International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance, the global reference association in the voluntary market.

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