
Internationalisation, our way of looking to the future

Internationalization is not just one of the pillars of Audax Energia's strategic plan. It is also our way of acting, operating, looking to a future of growth and development. And it has been like this since the beginning of the history of our entrepreneurial group.

Today we are present on the energy markets of 6 European countries, from Spain to Portugal, passing through Germany, Poland and the Netherlands. And of course Italy, a key element in giving real impetus to extra-Iberian expansion.

Having arrived in Italy in 2014, through the initial acquisition of customer packages, Audax began to grow autonomously, creating its own space within a competitive and complex market, polarized between a few or very few large players and a galaxy of entities medium-small.

Today, four years after our arrival, we are working to continue growth and consolidate the results obtained. The objective is to retain our customers by providing a service that is, in its entirety, of increasingly higher quality.

In this sense, drawing on the experience of an already liberalized market like the Spanish one, Audax is committed to offering innovative solutions and competitive prices both for domestic users, but above all for small and medium-sized businesses.

The end of the protected market in July 2020 therefore becomes an opportunity to present itself as a valid alternative choice among companies that sell energy.

This is what happened in the Spanish electricity market. After liberalization, Audax presented itself as an innovative entity compared to traditional companies. It did so by offering energy at competitive prices and launching a series of services and products suited to the different needs of a varied and continually changing clientele.


Today the Audax Group is a lively, enterprising, continuously evolving and solid company. An economic fact above all: the Strategic Plan indicated 2020 as the date by which to reach 1 billion euros in turnover. This figure was exceeded already in 2017.


There will therefore be no shortage of challenges in the near future.

I will review just a few of them, starting with the generation of energy from renewable sources. To date, the 5 wind farms of Audax Renovables, the company dedicated to RES, produce 35% of the energy sold by Audax; the objective is to continue on this path towards a generation with increasingly higher percentages of clean energy. An example of this effort is the establishment of the division called Self-Consumption, a key project for 2019.

Another challenge concerns digitalisation: only in this way will it be possible to have a quality, reliable, safe service capable of responding to customer needs in a short time.

An initiative already undertaken concerns the purchase of energy, which will have to be increasingly direct, from the producer. Shortening the supply chain means reducing costs both for us and, above all, for our customers who will be able to take advantage of more economically advantageous rates. The signing of various contracts that go by the name of PPA, or Power Purchase Agreement, is an important step on this path.

Furthermore, internationalization cannot be missing, understood as a process of consolidation in Europe and expansion in Latin America.

Finally, electric mobility. Since 2014 Audax has been actively interested in the topic of transport by financing the I+D project which involved the creation of 2 prototypes of vehicles with electric motors.


We are certain that in 2019 we will continue along the lines marked in recent years, broadening the horizon of our activities and continuing to do business in our own way.

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