4th July 2019
AUDAX RENOVABLES AND STATKRAFT SIGN AN IMPORTANT PPA Badalona/Madrid, 3 July 2019. The agreement, with immediate validity, provides that the Norwegian Statkraft annually supplies Audax Renovables 525 GWh of electricity over a period of ten and a half years. A quantity of energy that could satisfy the energy needs of around 130 thousand Spanish families in a [...]
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11 June 2019
2019. 840 million people have no access to energy
2019. 840 million people have no access to energy By Rosa González – CFO and BDM Audax Renovables Energy always available, at any time or context: few would question this statement. For us, inserting a plug into the socket, pressing a switch, turning the gas knob are nothing more than […]
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31 May 2019
Audax Renovables celebrates Investor Day
Audax Renovables celebrates Investor Day Last Tuesday, May 28, Audax Renovables celebrated its first Investor Day or Día del Inversor in Madrid. Present were the founder, president and main shareholder José Elías, the vice-president and CFO Eduard Romeu and the general manager Anabel López. After the recent shareholders' meeting, that [...]
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21 May 2019
Audax Renovables doubles its EBITDA and reaches 14.4 million euros
Audax Renovables doubles EBITDA and reaches 14.4 million euros Audax Renovables, a Spanish company dedicated to the marketing of electricity and gas and the generation of renewable 100% electricity, closed the first quarter of 2019 with a strong growth in EBITDA and turnover. As regards the net result, the figure of 1.6 million [...]
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14 May 2019
Audax Renovables expands its photovoltaic portfolio by 320 MW
Audax Renovables expands its photovoltaic portfolio by 320 MW Audax Renovables expands its portfolio in the photovoltaic sector by 320 MW. If one part concerns projects to be developed and subsequently launched, another of 60 MW involves projects that are already at a very advanced stage. The new plants will be located in various Spanish regions such as Andalusia, […]
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6 May 2019
More and more wind and sun in the future of renewable energy
More and more wind and sun in the future of renewable energy by Eladio Pascual – Director of Operations Audax Renovables “A quarter of the energy used is green”, “Renewables are booming: towards overtaking coal” or “Within two decades, most of the energy will be sun and wind” and we could continue. This, in fact, is the content of the titles with [...]
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6 May 2019
Audax Renovables. 2018 financial year approved unanimously by shareholders
Audax Renewables. 2018 financial year approved unanimously by the shareholders This Monday, 29 April 2019, the shareholders' meeting of Audax Renewables. It was the opportunity to approve the exercise for the year 2018 and take stock of what has been achieved in the last 12 months. The president of Audax Renovables, José Elías, exposed the main lines […]
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5 April 2019
Free market. Involve the consumer in the choice process
Free market. Involving the consumer in the choice process by Luca RIZZI – Commercial Director Audax Energy Italy In July 2020 - one year later than had been expected - the electricity market will open up completely to free competition, putting an end to what is defined as "greater protection" and [...]
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25 March 2019
Another 300 MW of solar energy for Audax Renovables
Another 300 MW of solar energy for Audax Renewables Audax Renovables, a Spanish company dedicated to the marketing of electricity and gas and the generation of renewable 100% electricity, and Trina Solar, one of the most important Chinese companies in the world in the field of solar energy, have signed a macro-contract for the purchase and sale of photovoltaic energy . Technically, that […]
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7 March 2019
AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH FOR A TRADITIONAL MARKET. AUDAX IN PORTUGAL by Marc FARRIOL The expansion of Audax Energía – then a very young company founded by José Elías – started from Portugal. We were in 2013 and the Portuguese energy market appeared as the natural first port of call in the internationalization strategy of Audax; the many traits […]
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