
Audax Renewables and BFF agreement for factoring services in Italy and Spain

Milan, May 2022 – BFF, the largest specialized financial operator in Italy, leader in Europe in the financial sector factoring for the Public Administration and the National Health Service, has signed a multi-country agreement with Audax Renewables, a vertically integrated energy group that generates and supplies 100 % electricity of renewable origin and gas in 7 countries.


L’accordo, che prevede la cessione without recourse of commercial credits claimed by Public Administrations, in the form of revolving and for a duration of two years, applies to Italy and Spain and confirms the central role of factoring as a support for the growth and greater liquidity of companies.

Thanks to this agreement, BFF guarantees Audax Renewables a pre-determined fixed cost for the mobilization of future credits from Public Administration bodies.

In this way, BFF accompanies Audax Renewables in the process of analyzing commercial opportunities in the public sector in a very delicate moment of strong change for the energy market.


Francesco Calabretta, Cluster Lead Italy and Hungary & Country Manager Italy, Audax Renewables, underlined how the growth of companies also depends on "from partnerships with entities, such as BFF, capable of concretely supporting its activity and, therefore, encouraging its development. Especially if we consider that the energy sector in which we operate - today more than ever - has become strategic for the country's progress. Having the appropriate tools means knowing how to face with greater awareness both the complex international situation in which we find ourselves and the objectives of the Ecological Transition towards which we must increasingly strive”.


Michele Antognoli, VP Factoring & Lending, BFF Banking Group, commented: “The new agreement with AUDAX is a further example of how Factoring can be a tool for those companies that want to seize new growth opportunities. A concrete demonstration of synergy in the interest of the entire community, at a time when, thanks to the PNRR, the country is preparing to benefit from new resources, and in a sector, the energy sector, which is now at the center of important challenges ”.




BFF Banking Group

BFF Banking Group is the largest specialized finance operator in Italy, as well as a leader in the management and non-recourse disinvestment of trade receivables claimed from Public Administrations in Europe, and in Italy in Securities Services and in Payment Services. The Group operates in Italy, Croatia, France, Greece, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Spain. BFF is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange. In 2021, it recorded a Consolidated and Adjusted Net Profit of €125.3 million, with a Group CET1 ratio, at the end of March 2021, of 16.7%.


AUDAX RENEWABLES Marchio commerciale di Audax Energia S.r.l. - Sede legale Corso Tazzoli n. 235, 10137 Torino (TO) Registro Imprese di Torino REA To-1099939 - C.F./P.IVA 10027190015 - Capitale Sociale: €1.600.000,00 totalmente versato. Società soggetta all'attività di direzione e coordinamento di Audax Renovables S.A.
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