
2020, part two. Continue and innovate

By Francesco CALABRETTA – Country Manager Audax Energia


Among the many useful examples to measure the size of the impact generated by the Coronavirus pandemic there is also that of energy demand, decreased - compared to the same period of 2019 - of the 6-7% on a global level, according to the first data from Global Energy Review 2020. In a certain sense, it is as if approximately 1.3 billion individuals had stopped performing any action that required the use of energy. A drop was also recorded in CO2 emissions which - in a stopped or slowed down world - fell by 8%, much more than what happened in 2009, with the world industry at a standstill due to the economic-financial crisis.  

Unthinkable and not yet definitive numbers and percentages, given that in several countries around the world the confinement measures are either still in force or have only been relaxed for a short period.


In Italy, a nation that has experienced a prolonged period of lockdown, the comparison with the previous year's data is impressive. There demand for electricity, between March and May, recorded a minus 16-18% (Terna) while that of natural gas for thermoelectric production and industrial activities reached -30% (March-April).

Although the consumption data for fuels such as diesel and petrol appear exceptionally low, -43%, they are better when compared with the collapse involving aviation fuels, -66% (ENEA).


In this global context of shock “only renewable energies are resisting during the unprecedented collapse of electricity” recalls Fatih Birol, director of the International Energy Agency.

In these first three months of 2020, the share of RES in the global production of electricity has reached 28%, +2% compared to 2019. From now until the end of the year, despite the presence of numerous authorization and implementation obstacles (think of photovoltaic...), renewables will record a +5% in the production of electricity. This means that this year RES will account for approximately 30% of electricity supplied globally.


The data relating to the "closing" period in Italy (source Terna) tell of an important performance of renewables compared to the same period last year, with a +2,8%, approximately 485GWh. Well the photovoltaic, which in the months of March-April grows by 13.9%, +623 GWh, while wind power suffers, perhaps due to lack of maintenance on the plants.

Then looking in terms of national electricity production, the contribution of renewable energy was consistent: 47.8% compared to 40.7% in 2019.


In such a complex moment, these positive data are also satisfying and stimulating for us at Audax Energy and for at least three reasons. The first one calls into question belonging to an entrepreneurial group such as Audax Renovables which makes the marketing and production of 100% green energy the center of its activity. A second one concerns the excellent seal of the group on an economic-financial level during this emergency phase. A third that, however, has to do with us and with the correctness of our choices on photovoltaic and on the use of financial instruments such as PPAs. Although difficult in the implementation phase due to the obstacles still present on the Italian market, we are convinced they will prove rewarding.


But not only. The difficult period we are experiencing has highlighted the need for a strong change in corporate organizations and people services that they can provide to customers. Especially in the direction of simplification in relationships between those who provide the service and those who use it, to be achieved through a more complex offer of technological tools and applications.

Simplicity, speed, availability and convenience. Or if you prefer the freedom that the customer has to manage, as and when he wishes, his energy consumption: these are the directions along which we at Audax Energia have moved to respond to constantly evolving needs.

L'implementation of web and digital services follows this logic: Mobile App, Customer Area with increased functionality, chat with operators and instant messaging are pieces of one customer care which must, on the one hand, have increasingly higher efficiency standards and on the other be perceived as "light", not very intrusive.


There has been a lot of talk about smart working and teleworking in recent months. Without a doubt, business organizations are based on people and their qualities. These days Audax Energia is enriched with an additional professional: Federico ScutoIn fact, he joined our team to occupy the role of Sales Manager.

His long experience in the energy field, where he has worked for companies such as Europe Energy, Sorgenia and Carica Positiva, will help bring further value.


Because in the coming months – and it has never been more true – important challenges await us to overcome.

AUDAX RENEWABLES Marchio commerciale di Audax Energia S.r.l. - Sede legale Corso Tazzoli n. 235, 10137 Torino (TO) Registro Imprese di Torino REA To-1099939 - C.F./P.IVA 10027190015 - Capitale Sociale: €1.600.000,00 totalmente versato. Società soggetta all'attività di direzione e coordinamento di Audax Renovables S.A.
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