
Informazioni utili

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The bill

In order to allow a better understanding of electricity and natural gas bills,...

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Guida alle offerte

The CTE reading guide contains a complete description of the individual items that make up the amounts invoiced for each Audax offer.

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Il Contratto

In order to monitor billed consumption and optimize bill costs,...

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Reclami e Qualità Commerciale

The CTE reading guide contains a complete description of the individual items that make up the amounts invoiced for each Audax offer.

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Agevolazioni e Tutele

In order to monitor billed consumption and optimize bill costs,...

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Altre Informazioni e Modulistica

Have you by any chance received suspicious phone calls with operators pretending to be Audax Renewables representatives?

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Agevolazioni e Tutele

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Reclami e Qualità Commerciale

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Who we are

+ information

Do you need information or assistance?

Contact us
AUDAX RENEWABLES Marchio commerciale di Audax Energia S.r.l. - Sede legale Corso Tazzoli n. 235, 10137 Torino (TO) Registro Imprese di Torino REA To-1099939 - C.F./P.IVA 10027190015 - Capitale Sociale: €1.600.000,00 totalmente versato. Società soggetta all'attività di direzione e coordinamento di Audax Renovables S.A.
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