30 September 2022
L’energia oggi. Il problema del “Caro bollette”
L’energia oggi. Il problema del “Caro bollette” I forti aumenti delle bollette energetiche di luce e gas illustrano meglio di ogni altro racconto la difficile congiuntura economica e politica nella quale, purtroppo, ci troviamo. Un periodo di grande turbolenza sui mercati energetici iniziato nell’estate del 2021 e i cui effetti negativi si sono ulteriormente ingigantiti […]
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1 June 2022
Audax Renewables and BFF agreement for factoring services in Italy and Spain
Agreement Audax Renewables and BFF for factoring services in Italy and Spain Milan, May 2022 – BFF, the largest specialized financial operator in Italy, leader in Europe in the factoring sector for the Public Administration and the National Health Service, has signed a multi-country agreement with Audax Renewables, a vertically integrated energy group that generates […]
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March 3, 2022
Audax: closed 2021 with a recurring EBITDA of 69.5 million euros
Audax: chiuso 2021 con un EBITDA ricorrente a 69,5 milioni di euro La società ha ottenuto risultati migliori del previsto, soprattutto grazie al secondo semestre in cui ha praticamente raddoppiato l’EBITDA. Si è chiuso un anno caratterizzato da una forte volatilità e domanda con un margine lordo record (128 milioni di euro ) e un […]
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14 February 2022
Competition and free market: possible victims of high energy costs?
Competition and free market: possible victims of high energy costs? By Francesco CALABRETTA Cluster Leader Italy and Hungary Audax Renewables As many had predicted, the high cost of bills is proving to be anything but a temporary phenomenon (I also talked about it here and here). After the significant pre-summer increase, which saw the first government intervention to lower the [...]
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11 January 2022
ENERGY 2021. A SECTOR IN TRANSITION Extract from the "INTRODUCTION" It is difficult to try to take stock of the past year without mentioning the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on our lives, even today with an effective vaccine available. From a work point of view, for example, home working has altered what […]
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28 December 2021
Rendere l’energia un prodotto interessante
Rendere l’energia un prodotto interessante Di Francesco CALABRETTA Cluster Leader Italy and Hungary Audax Renewables We close this 2021 with a reflection on the world of energy companies and their customers, starting from two facts that we have to deal with every day and from an interesting consequence that arose from them. Fact number one. […]
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30 November 2021
INVEST IN RENEWABLES. THE FUTURE STARTS FROM HERE (AND FROM PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS) By Francesco CALABRETTA Cluster Leader Italy and Hungary Audax Renewables We know. If we want the energy transition to start in earnest, it is essential that public resources and investments, but above all private ones, believe in renewables and their expansion. […]
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5 November 2021
Can the Free Market help against high bill prices?
Can the Free Market help against high bill prices? By Francesco CALABRETTA Cluster Leader Italy and Hungary Audax Renewables While leafing through a magazine I came across a sadly significant cartoon. The scene sees two people on the street, reduced to poverty, rummaging in a rubbish bin. One asks the other if there are […]
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25 October 2021
AUDAX RENOVABLES: 20 MWp PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS LAUNCHED Audax Renovables ha ottenuto l’autorizzazione all’entrata in esercizio degli impianti fotovoltaici – dalla potenza complessiva di 20 MWp – di La Zarzuela I, II, III e IV, situati presso Toledo nella regione spagnola della Castiglia-La Mancia.  Benché i lavori fossero terminati da settimane, la messa in […]
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30 September 2021
THE RENEWABLES. SOLUTION AND NOT CAUSE OF THE EXPENSIVE BILL By Francesco CALABRETTA Cluster Leader Italy and Hungary Audax Renewables +30% or, even, +40% according to Minister Cingolani. These are the estimates of the increase in energy bills from October 1st. Arriving at the end of a summer in which we all attempted a cautious return to life […]
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AUDAX RENEWABLES Marchio commerciale di Audax Energia S.r.l. - Sede legale Corso Tazzoli n. 235, 10137 Torino (TO) Registro Imprese di Torino REA To-1099939 - C.F./P.IVA 10027190015 - Capitale Sociale: €1.600.000,00 totalmente versato. Società soggetta all'attività di direzione e coordinamento di Audax Renovables S.A.
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