26 November 2018
Gas: governare e consolidare la forte crescita di quest’anno
Gas: governare e consolidare la forte crescita di quest’anno D. Direttore García, è già possibile stilare un primo bilancio del 2018? Senza dubbio l’anno che stiamo vivendo è stato ricco di sfide. Soprattutto perché l’incremento dell’80% rispetto all’anno precedente ci ha costretto – e non poteva che essere così – a rivedere la nostra politica […]
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26 November 2018
Internationalisation, our way of looking to the future
Internationalisation, our way of looking to the future Internationalisation is not just one of the pillars of the strategic plan Audax Power. It is also our way of acting, operating, looking to a future of growth and development. And it has been like this since the beginning of the history of our entrepreneurial group. Today we are present on the energy markets […]
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26 November 2018
Audax Energia: Spain, Catalonia and much of Italy
Audax Energy: Spain, Catalonia and much of Italy D. Ing. Calabretta, a year has passed since you were appointed Country Manager of Audax Italy. What is the balance of these 12 months? It goes without saying that it has been an intense and exciting year, full of challenges. Providing electricity and gas to over 55 thousand users, that is […]
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26 November 2018
Audax energía issues bonds for 35 million euros
Audax energía issues bonds for 35 million euros Audax Energía has successfully closed a Senior Unsecured bond issue worth 35 million euros with a 5-year maturity. This is the third bond issue for the Spanish electricity and gas sales company. The operation aroused the interest of […]
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26 November 2018
Meeting with Rosa González, CFO and BDM of the Audax Group
Meeting with Rosa González, CFO and BDM of the Group Audax D. Audax Italy has grown a lot and quickly: in 4 years it has gone from 5 to 65 million euros in turnover. So what is the macro objective for 2018? For Audax, the main objective is to adapt the structure to the work volumes and […]
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26 November 2018
Audax renovables doubles its profit t
Audax renovables doubles its profit t Audax Renovables closed the first half of 2018 with a profit of 4.1 million euros. This is an increase equal to 104%, if we consider that twelve months earlier the profit had been less than half (2 million euros). The company dedicated to the production of energy from […]
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26 November 2018
Expansion and growth, but increasingly in the name of renewable energy
Expansion and growth, but increasingly in the name of renewable energy D. The Group Audax, immediately, moved to be present in other markets besides the Spanish one. Since the opening of the Portuguese branch in 2013, there has been a succession of investments in Europe: 2014 Italy, 2015 Germany and Poland, 2017 Holland. An expansion […]
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26 November 2018
Clean energy and new markets in the 2020 strategies of the Audax group
Clean energy and new markets in the group's 2020 strategies Audax Q. Director Romeu, let's start with a programmatic definition. What are the directions or strategic lines of the Group between now and 2020? Growth and consolidation and new presence on foreign markets, investments in the generation of energy from renewable sources. The group Audax look at […]
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26 November 2018
Audax renovables closes the first quarter
Audax renovables closes the first quarter Audax Renovables, the Group company dedicated to the generation of energy from renewable sources, concluded the first quarter of 2018 with a profit of 1.6 million euros, compared to the 589 thousand euros achieved in the same period last year. At the close of the first quarter of 2018, the net amount […]
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26 November 2018
Solar power. Audax stands for cox energy the most
Solar power. Audax signed with cox energy the most on March 16, 2018, Audax Energía has signed a PPA agreement, or Power Purchase Agreement, with Cox Energy, a Spanish company operating in the field of renewables and present internationally (Spain, Portugal, Chile and Mexico). Considering numbers and figures of the operation, it is not only the […]
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AUDAX RENEWABLES Marchio commerciale di Audax Energia S.r.l. - Sede legale Corso Tazzoli n. 235, 10137 Torino (TO) Registro Imprese di Torino REA To-1099939 - C.F./P.IVA 10027190015 - Capitale Sociale: €1.600.000,00 totalmente versato. Società soggetta all'attività di direzione e coordinamento di Audax Renovables S.A.
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