Audax Renewables offer - Free market
Audax Renewables offer - Free market
SEMPRE ECO IMPRESA is the offer that allows you to access a price of gas material in line with the trend of the Italian wholesale market price (PSV).
VALID PERIOD OF THE OFFER: valid from 16/01/2023 to 15/04/2023
The offer is reserved exclusively for commercial or professional activities with consumption of less than 200,000 cubic meters per year, which purchase natural gas for their own consumption, excluding domestic and condominium users.
All prices and values shown below are net of VAT, duties, any contributions, as well as any other duties, taxes or charges that may be introduced even subsequently by the competent authorities and which will be applied according to the legislation of reference.
For a better understanding of this offer, we inform you that on our website you will find the guide to reading our CTE (offers).
Among our commercial offers you will find those for the supply of gas and/or electricity at free prices under equal protection conditions (PLACET). The PLACET offers, at a fixed price or variable price of the energy component or the gas component, are free market offers that provide standard contractual conditions for all operators and a price structure defined by the Authority (ARERA) with Resolution 555/2017 and so on
The expenditure for natural gas materials includes the following amounts:
equal to the PSV or wholesale price, understood as the arithmetic mean calculated monthly of the reference price of all transactions carried out during the daily session on the trading venue Intraday Gas Market (MI_GAS)*, considering gas supplied at standard conditions with PCS equal to 0.0932 GJ/Smc**, plus a spread equal to 0.0150 €/Smc. The gas raw material price actually applied is adjusted according to the value of the same PCS parameter for the distribution system in which the supply falls. In the event that the volumes are detected by measurement units not equipped with equipment for correcting measurements under standard conditions, they will be adjusted based on the value of the coefficient C according to the provisions of the TIVG.
• CC or MARKETING COSTS: to cover the operator's retail management costs, of which the variable unit fee is equal to €0.0845/Smc, the fixed unit fee is equal to €0.77425/PDR /day (€282.60/PDR/year).
The expenditure of the sum of all charges and fees for natural gas matters for approximately 70% of the total expenditure of a typical non-domestic customer with an annual consumption of 5,000 Smc, excluding VAT and taxes.
* MI-GAS (Intraday Gas Market) is the trading venue for gas purchase and sale offers relating to the gas-day corresponding to the one on which the session opens. The MI-GAS takes place in a single session according to the methods of continuous trading, as defined by the Energy Markets Manager (GME). The value of the average reference price of MI-GAS is published by GME on the website
** The actual PCS indicates the quantity of effective thermal energy obtained by burning one Smc of methane gas. The “C” coefficient is used to convert the cubic meters of gas measured by the meter into Smc, the unit of measurement for invoicing methane on the bill. Their actual values depend on the geographical location of the sampling point (PDR) and are calculated based on some parameters such as, for example, altitude and climate zone. The adjustment of the "C" coefficient will be carried out by applying to the invoiced volumes the actual coefficient corresponding to the Customer's redelivery point.
The expense for the transportation of natural gas, meter management includes the amounts invoiced for the various activities that allow sellers to deliver the natural gas they consume to end customers. Corresponds to the amounts relating to transmission/transport, distribution and metering services (i.e. meter reading and provision of consumption data). It also includes the invoiced amounts corresponding to the components relating to the incentive and recovery of the quality of the service and the equalization mechanisms of the aforementioned services. The aforementioned values are calculated according to the criteria established in Resolution 114/2019/R/GAS and were approved by the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment with resolution 230/2021/R/gas on 03 June 2021 or by a different entity competent for the tariff area in which each supply point falls. For the purposes of billing activities, some fees and components will be applied to the volumes with reference to the Higher Calorific Value (PCS) relating to the distribution system in which the supply falls, according to the provisions of the TIVG. In the event that the volumes are detected by measurement groups not equipped with equipment for correcting measurements under standard conditions, they will be adjusted based on the value of the coefficient C, according to the provisions of the TIVG.
They include the amounts invoiced relating to fees intended to cover costs relating to activities of general interest for the gas system, in compliance with Resolution 30 December 2021 635/2021/R/com and subsequent amendments, the values of which are published and periodically updated by ARERA (available on the website These charges will be updated with the methods and timing defined by ARERA. With reference to costs for transport, meter management and system charges, the Customer will also be invoiced for further charges, fees, tariff components and/or increases possibly introduced by the competent authorities with reference to the supply of gas to domestic withdrawal points, including (but not exclusively) to replace others previously provided for by sector regulations.
•FEES FOR REQUESTS SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRIBUTOR/SII (Integrated Information System of the Single Buyer): for each request forwarded by the Supplier to the competent Distributor (i.e. customer requests for transfer/takeover, deactivation, increase/decrease in power, etc.) , in addition to the costs determined by the Distributor itself (published on its website) which will be charged by the Supplier to the Customer on the first available invoice, the Customer will be required to pay a lump sum (VAT, duties and taxes excluded), as indicated in the clause 15 of the General Conditions of Contract.
The conditions referred to in this offer will remain unchanged for 12 months from the activation of the supply. At the end of this period, the economic conditions will be tacitly renewed, without further communications of renewal or modification of the contract conditions being sent to the Customer, these conditions remaining unchanged, with the exception of the spread price which will be equal to 0.12116 €/Smc, without prejudice to the customer's right of withdrawal pursuant to the provisions of clause 3 of the general supply conditions.
In order to facilitate the evaluation of our offer, below we provide an estimated calculation of the possible annual cost of the supply, depending on the installed power, under the conditions of the offer ALWAYS GREEN BUSINESS:

You can take up the offer ALWAYS ECO COMPANY in the event of a change of energy supplier.
The offer is part of the free market offers and allows consumers to change supplier for free, choosing the tariff that best suits their needs.
The prices of the offer and the related economic structure are indicated, as well as on this web page, in the CTE, which are delivered to the Customer before signing the Contract. For more information on the fees applied, you can consult our guide to reading the CTE on our website the bill or call our toll-free number 800 595 455 (opening hours: from 08.00 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday - excluding national holidays) - or on the telephone 011/9653739 (opening hours: from 08.00 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday - excluding national holidays -, on call cost varies depending on the telephone operator), or send an email to
If the Contract is concluded outside the commercial premises, the Contract is considered concluded on the date of signature of the same by the Customer, who has accepted the commercial proposal formulated by Audax according to what is contained in the Acceptance Form, in the CGF, in the CTE and any other contractual document delivered to the Customer upon signing. If the Contract is concluded using remote communication techniques, the Contract is considered concluded with the receipt by Audax of the Contract signed by the customer. At the latest within 10 (ten) working days from the conclusion of the Contract and in any case, before activating the supply, Audax provides the consumer with confirmation of the Contract concluded on a durable medium.
The Customer has the right to exercise his right to change his mind pursuant to the Consumer Code, even with reference to a single supply, without any charge or reason within 14 (fourteen) days starting from the date of conclusion of the Contract. To this end, the Customer may send written communication to the Supplier, possibly using the form that will be delivered to the customer before signing the Contract together with the contractual documentation and in any case downloadable here, or with the methods indicated below: via ordinary mail addressed to AUDAX RENEWABLES SRL, Via Candiolo n. 2/4 - 10048 Vinovo (TO); via fax to no. 011/0122660; via e-mail to or via PEC to If the Customer does not use the appropriate form, he/she must provide at least the following information: name and surname, supply address, POD/PDR, postal address (if different from the address indicated in the Contract) or e-mail, and the service to which it refers (electricity, gas, or both), attaching the identity card of the signatory of the Contract.
If a request for execution of the Contract is not submitted before the deadline for the right to reconsider has expired, the activities necessary to execute the Contract will be started only once the period established for the right to reconsider has elapsed.
The Customer may request the execution of the Contract before the expiry of the deadline to exercise the right of withdrawal. It is understood that, in this case, the Customer will still be able to exercise reconsideration, but will be required to pay the amounts relating to the consumption made in application of the economic conditions relating to the signed offer, as well as any further costs incurred for transfer, activation, reactivation , deactivation of the supply and/or variation of power, if requested, provided by the Distributor for the services carried out, in addition to the costs for these services indicated in the art. 15.5 of the General Supply Conditions, and the amounts relating to any consumption made, if the supply has been activated, in application of the economic supply conditions envisaged by the signed/chosen commercial offer, without prejudice to the provisions of the art. 66-quinquies, paragraph 1, of the Consumer Code (Unsolicited contracts). The request for execution of the Contract before the deadline for the reconsideration has expired will not lead to the start of the supply in the period envisaged for the reconsideration, but may in any case lead to an advance of the supply with the new seller compared to the normal expected times. In the case of exercise of the right of reconsideration, the supply could: (i) in cases in which the sale was not initiated by the merchant against whom the right of reconsideration was exercised, be guaranteed 1) by the previous merchant, if the relevant sales contract does not appear to have been dissolved, or 2) by the subjects who provide the enhanced protection service, in the case of electricity supply or the last resort supply service in the case of gas supply for the time necessary to allow a new change supplier or the closure of the point, based on the Customer's wishes; or (ii) the sale be initiated by the merchant against whom the right of reconsideration was exercised, for the time necessary to allow a change of supplier or the closure of the point, based on the will expressed by the Customer. In the case of exercising the right of reconsideration aimed at terminating the supply with deactivation of the collection/return point, the Customer himself will be required to request deactivation from the current sales operator, who will provide, also through the possible user of the transport and of the dispatching or the user of the distribution service, respectively pursuant to the provisions of article 81, paragraph 81.7, of the TIQE and article 37, paragraph 37.6, of the RQDG.
The supply of electricity and/or natural gas will take place approximately on the first useful date and, in any case, by the first day of the third month following the date of conclusion of the Contract, without prejudice to the successful outcome of the technical and administrative activities preceding the execution of the Contract described in detail in the CGF (including the activation activities of transport and distribution services and, for electricity supplies, dispatching), and provided that the data provided by the Customer in the contractual documentation is correct. In any case, the Customer will be informed about the exact date of activation of the supply through a specific communication, sent by e-mail, certified email, text message or ordinary mail, or of the failure to activate the supply pursuant to art. 2.5 of the general conditions of supply, through specific communication sent via e-mail, PEC, text message or ordinary mail. For the supply of electricity, the Customer will provide Audax with the mandate to operate on its own behalf towards the Network Manager and the Electricity Distributor, undertaking to fulfill any obligation contracted by the Supplier on behalf of the Customer regarding dispatching services , transport of electricity and connection to the electricity grid functional to the provision of the transport service. In accordance with the regulations established by ARERA, the Customer will be required to pay the amounts pertaining to the Distributor for individual services and fixed-rate contributions. The transportation of natural gas will be carried out by the natural gas transportation company and the natural gas distribution company in execution of appropriate agreements that Audax undertakes to conclude directly or to have third parties conclude in compliance with the established methods and deadlines. by the legislation applicable from time to time.
The Customer may be required to bear any costs in the event of requests, transmitted by the Customer and forwarded to the competent Distributor, (such as requests for activation of a new meter, transfer/takeover, deactivation, increase/decrease in power, etc. ), within the limits of (i) the prices indicated by the local distributor responsible for the supply of electricity (published on the distributor's website) and (ii) the possible presence of a flat rate fee, to cover the administrative management costs of the practice (see service fees), for an amount equal to Euro 30.00, net of taxes and duties.
The Contract is for an indefinite period; instead, the CTE will remain unchanged for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the activation of the supply, unless otherwise provided in the CTE. After this period, the CTE will be tacitly renewed for a further 12 months under the conditions set out therein. The Supplier may propose to the Customer the modification of the CTE, giving written notice with a notice of no less than 3 (three) months with respect to the effective date of the changes and in accordance with the CGF and without prejudice to the Customer's right to exercise the right of withdrawal . For consumers or small customers (pursuant to art. 2.3, letters a) and c) of the Annex to the ARERA resolution of 19 July 2012, 301/2012/R/eel (TIV) (for electricity), and art. 2.3 lett. a), b) and d) of the Annex to the ARERA resolution of 28 May 2009, ARG/gas 64/09 (TIVG), limited to points with overall annual consumption of less than 200,000 Smc (for gas), the Customer will always be able to exercise the right of withdrawal without charges, choosing another supplier who will manage the change, in compliance with the notice periods indicated below: (i) in the event that the right of withdrawal is expressed for the purpose of changing supplier, the Customer must release specific power of attorney to the new supplier so that the latter, or the user of the incoming distribution, carries out the switching request to the Integrated Information System (SII), no later than the 10th (ten) day of the month preceding the switching date ; (ii) in cases other than a change of supplier (i.e. termination of supply), the withdrawal is exercised directly by the Customer by sending Audax, with one month's notice from the date of receipt of the communication by Audax, a written notice of withdrawal, alternatively: by ordinary mail to AUDAX RENEWABLES SRL - Via Candiolo n. 2/4 - 10048 Vinovo (TO), via fax at no. 011/0122660 or by e-mail to or PEC to
Unless otherwise indicated in the CTE, at the conclusion of the Contract, the Supplier will have the right to request the Customer to pay, as a guarantee of the obligations undertaken, a security deposit, distinguished by type of customer and calculated based on what is indicated in the Conditions General Supply which will always be delivered to the Customer before signing the Contract and which, in any case, will not exceed €80.00 for domestic end customers. while it will be equal to a minimum of €80.00 for business customers (for use other than domestic)
For the supply of natural gas to business customers, the amount of the security deposit will be calculated based on the following formula, Security deposit amount = Base + Applicable VAT. Where the Base is equal to 11 + (Estimated Average Monthly Consumption*Gas Coef.), the estimated average monthly Consumption is equal to the customer's estimated Average Annual Consumption/12 and the Coef. Gas equals 0.583.
For the supply of electricity to business customers (for use other than domestic), the amount of the security deposit will be calculated on the basis of the following formula, and in any case, it cannot be less than Euro 80.00: Security deposit amount = Base + applicable VAT. Where the Base is equal to [(Estimated Average Monthly Consumption * Energy Coef.) + (Committed Power*Power Coef.) + (User Class Coef.)]; the estimated average monthly consumption is equal to the estimated average annual consumption of the customer/12 and the Coef. Energy, Coef. Power and Coef. User Class take on different values depending on the user class, as indicated in the table below: Furthermore, for each request sent by the Supplier to the competent Distributor (i.e. requests for transfer/takeover, deactivation, increase/decrease in power, etc.), in addition to the costs determined by the Distributor itself (published on its website) which will be charged by the Supplier to the Customer on the first available invoice, the Customer will be required to pay a flat rate fee (VAT, duties and taxes excluded) determined by Audax to cover the administrative management costs of the case, as indicated in the table referred to in the art. 15 of the CGF reported below.
The Customer will be able to pay the invoices within a period of no less than 20 days from the date of issue, by paying at: post offices, by postal order, or by direct debit from their bank or postal current account with SEPA Direct Debit ( SDD) or at the bank counter of the financial institutions indicated on the invoice (the latter without costs). For further information see the art. 18 of the CGF.
In case of delay in the payment Audax may request, without the need for a formal formal notice, in addition to any further expenses incurred also for reminders, late payment interest equal to the official reference rate (ECB rate), increased by 3.5 percentage points (for customers who qualify as consumers) and 4.5 percentage points (for customers who do not qualify as consumers), for each day of late payment. Audax may also send, with a notice of no less than 40 days (pursuant to Law 160/2019), a letter of formal notice to the Customer, via written communication via PEC or registered letter with return receipt, in which notice will be given of suspension of supply and indication of the deadline for payment, ordering payment of unpaid invoices. For customers benefiting from a social bonus due to physical and/or economic hardship, the terms referred to in the art. will be doubled. 3 of the TIMOE and art. 4 of the TIMG. In the event of suspension, closure, interruption, termination and/or restoration of supply, the Customer will be required to pay the fees indicated by the Distributor and the costs charged by the same, in addition to administrative management costs and expenses incurred for the credit recovery equal to €25.00.
Invoicing takes place based on the measurement data and in compliance with the following order: a) actual measurement data made available by the Distributor; b) self-readings communicated by the Customer, if validated by the distribution company; c) estimated measurement data. Audax makes the self-reading service available to the Customer of natural gas and electricity: the Customer, for the entire duration of the month, will be able to communicate the self-reading in the following ways: i) by calling Customer Service at no. 011/9653739 or toll-free number 800595455, ii) by sending an e-mail to or a fax to no. 011/0122660, iii) by accessing your My Audax Customer Area on the website or on the My Audax App. In the absence of self-reading or detection or validation of the self-reading by the Distributor, Audax will charge the estimated consumption, in compliance with the provisions of the articles. 6.2 and 10 of the TIF. If Audax proceeds to estimate consumption, it will follow the following criteria, ordered by priority: (i) historical consumption data of the Customer that Audax acquires during at least one year of administration; (ii) presumed annual consumption and withdrawal profile communicated by the Distributor.
With regard to the supply of natural gas, if the Distributor communicates to the Supplier the negative outcome of the reading attempt, the Supplier will in turn inform the Customer with communication on the invoice and will proceed with the invoicing of the presumed consumption. The local Distributor publishes on its website the calendar of passages of the personnel responsible for collecting the natural gas measurements and is required to take charge of the measurement collected by the Customer and left available by the latter also through a posted paper note at the door of your home or similar place. In the event of an unsuccessful attempt to collect the measurement, the Distributor informs the Customer, with a specific paper note, of the possibility of carrying out the self-reading. The Customer can request that the invoice be sent by ordinary mail, or by e-mail to the address indicated by the Customer.
With regard to the supply of natural gas, if the Distributor communicates to the Supplier the negative outcome of the reading attempt, the Supplier will in turn inform the Customer with communication on the invoice and will proceed with the invoicing of the presumed consumption. The local Distributor publishes on its website the calendar of passages of the personnel responsible for collecting the natural gas measurements and is required to take charge of the measurement collected by the Customer and left available by the latter also through a posted paper note at the door of your home or similar place. In the event of an unsuccessful attempt to collect the measurement, the Distributor informs the Customer, with a specific paper note, of the possibility of carrying out the self-reading. The Customer can request that the invoice be sent by ordinary mail, or by e-mail to the address indicated by the Customer.
On the site The Guide to reading the invoice is published and can be downloaded by the Customer, which contains a complete description of the individual items that make up the amounts invoiced for each offer from the Supplier, using simple, understandable language consistent with the so-called "Glossary" approved by ARERA. , also published on the website indicated above.
Starting from 1 January 2019, the invoice valid for tax purposes will be issued in electronic format and made available, through the Exchange System (SDI) of the Revenue Agency, in the Customer's reserved area on the Revenue Agency's website. Come in. For business customers, the bill, in "courtesy" PDF format, will still be sent via email to the email address that the Customer made available to the Supplier when concluding the Contract.
In the event of non-payment or delayed payment, even partial, of the invoices, Audax, in addition to any additional expenses incurred, including those for reminders to pay the invoices, will charge legal interest for the first 7 (seven) days of delay ( the legal interest for the year 2020 established by the decree of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of 12/12/2019, published in the Official Gazette of 12/14/2019. From the 8th (eighth) day it will instead charge , late payment interest equal to the official reference rate (ECB rate), increased by 3.5 percentage points (for customers who qualify as consumers) and by 4.5 percentage points (for customers who do not qualify as of consumer), for each day of late payment. In case of delay in payment with respect to the due date indicated on the invoice, the Supplier may bring the Customer into default by means of written communication via certified e-mail or registered letter with return receipt with advance notice. not less than 40 (forty) days (Law 160/2019 - Budget Law 2020), by sending a letter of formal notice to the Customer in which (i) orders payment of unpaid invoices and (ii) indicates the deadline last payment date, in application of the applicable provisions of the TIMOE. For customers benefiting from a social bonus due to physical and/or economic hardship, the terms referred to in the art. will be doubled. 3 of the TIMOE. Following the aforementioned notice of default, the Customer must notify Audax of any payment made by sending a copy of the payment receipt made by fax or to the e-mail address indicated in the reminder notice. Otherwise (non-payment), after a further 3 (three) working days have elapsed from the deadline for payment indicated in the same formal notice, if the arrears exceed the amount of the security deposit established or in any case an amount equivalent to the estimated average amount of a billing cycle, Audax, without prejudice to the cases of prohibition on the suspension of supply provided for by the applicable legislation, may request the Distributor to suspend the supply of electricity for one or more withdrawal points owned by the same Customer if they can be disconnected, in compliance with the TIMOE. If the Customer is connected in low voltage (LV) and the technical conditions of the meter exist, before the electricity supply is suspended, a power reduction will be carried out to a level equal to 15% of the available power. In the event of persistent non-payment by the Customer beyond this deadline, the supply will be suspended by the competent local distributor. If the arrears concern the joint supply of electricity and natural gas, the Supplier may at its option suspend one or both of the supply services, unless otherwise protected by the ARERA resolution. Once the supply has been suspended, in the face of the Customer's continuing non-compliance, Audax has the right, at any time, to declare the Contract terminated and send the relevant termination notice to the SII. The termination of the Contract takes effect from the day indicated by Audax in the letter of formal notice and/or in the subsequent letter of communication of termination. In the event that it is not possible to suspend the electricity supply, the Supplier will have the right to request the interruption of the supply, pursuant to art. 9 of the TIMOE. The execution of the intervention to interrupt and/or terminate the supply will result, with effect from the relevant date, in the legal termination of the Contract. In any case, the Customer must allow the distribution company to access the premises where the measurement system is located in order to be able to disconnect the POD from power and pay Audax the related charges relating to the interruption, suspension and/or termination of the supply. Where the intervention to interrupt the supply is not technically feasible, the Supplier has the right to declare the Contract terminated by sending the relevant communication of contractual termination to the SII pursuant to art. 10 of the TIMOE. The termination of the Contract takes effect from the effective date of the activation of the supply by the Supplier of last resort (enhanced protection service/Default service/safeguard). If Audax Renewables, in the 90 (ninety) days following the date of the last request for suspension of supply due to arrears, proceeds with a new communication of formal notice to the customer relating to invoices not covered in the previous communication for which it was requested the request for suspension of supply, the aforementioned terms may be reduced as follows: for delivery to the postal carrier, if the commercial counterparty is not able to document the date of sending the registered letter, exceeding 2 (two) working days starting from date of issue of the notice of default, without prejudice to the commercial counterparty's right to deliver to the postal carrier within a period not exceeding 3 (three) working days if also the final deadline of 10 (ten) calendar days referred to in the previous letter a) is increased by a number of working days equal to the difference between the observed delivery deadline and the minimum deadline of 2 (two) working days. In any case, the Customer will be required to pay, in addition to the amounts due and default interest at the rate indicated above, also the fees for the suspension, closure, interruption, termination and/or restoration of the supply indicated by the local Distributor. competent (and published on its website), and the corresponding OTHER SERVICES, indicated in the TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OFFER section of this page. Furthermore, in all cases of sending a payment reminder, a legal warning, a formal notice and/or each communication of advance notice of the suspension of the administration, as well as for each further communication envisaged on the basis of the TIMOE, in any case, consequent to the state of arrears by the Customer, in addition to the sums due for the invoiced amounts and the related interest, the cost for the administrative management of the case and for the expenses incurred for the recovery of the credit equal to Euro 25.00, at net of taxes and duties. In the event that the suspension of supply or reduction in power occurs without sending the formal notice by registered mail, Audax will pay the Customer as compensation a fee equal to Euro 30.00, net of taxes. Furthermore, Audax will pay the Customer as compensation a fee equal to Euro 20.00, net of taxes, in the event that the supply has been suspended due to arrears, or a power reduction has in any case been carried out, despite failure to comply also one of the following terms: • the deadline for payment indicated in the letter of formal notice, which cannot be less than 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the sending of the relevant registered letter to the end customer, or 10 (ten) calendar days from receipt by the seller of the receipt of delivery to the end customer of the notice of formal notice sent via certified email, or 20 (twenty) calendar days from the date of issue of the written notice of formal notice in default if Audax Renewables is unable to document the date of sending of the aforementioned communication; • the maximum term between the date of issue of the notice of default and the date of delivery of the same to the postal carrier which, if Audax Renewables is not able to document the date of sending, cannot be more than 3 (three) working days starting from the date of issue of the notice of default, without prejudice to the right for Audax Renewables to deliver to the postal carrier within a period not exceeding 5 (five) working days if also the final deadline of 20 (twenty) calendar days referred to in the previous point is increased by a number of working days equal to the difference between the observed delivery deadline and the minimum deadline of 3 (three) working days; • the minimum period of 3 (three) working days between the expiry date of the payment deadline and the date of the request to the distribution company for the request to close the redelivery point due to suspension of supply due to arrears. In the aforementioned cases, the end customer cannot be required to pay any further fee relating to the suspension or reactivation of the supply. Audax Renewables must pay the end customer, within 8 (eight) months from the occurrence of the suspension or power reduction, the automatic compensation indicated above directly or on the occasion of the first available invoice, through a deduction from the amount charged in the same invoice.
Civil gas end customers who use natural gas or another gas other than natural gas supplied via a distribution system or a transport network to supply a user system are protected by an insurance contract stipulated by the Italian Gas Committee (CIG) against accidents (also suffered by cohabiting family members and employees), fires and civil liability, deriving from the use of gas supplied via a distribution system, downstream from the delivery point. The following are excluded from this coverage: a) end customers of methane gas other than domestic or domestic condominium customers (public service points and other uses) equipped with a meter of a class higher than G25; b) consumers of methane gas for transport. For further details regarding the insurance coverage and the forms to be used for reporting any accident to be forwarded directly to the Italian Gas Committee (CIG), you can contact the Energy Consumer Help Desk directly on the toll-free number 800.166.654 or with other methods indicated on the website In any case, on your own site here. Audax provides an information note dedicated to insurance coverage.
Audax guarantees commercial quality standards for sales compliant with the levels established in Annex A to ARERA resolution no. 413/2016/R/as of 21 July 2016 and subsequent amendments (TIQV) to protect the consumer. With regards to consumer assistance, the table below shows the specific standards established by ARERA and the actual levels achieved by Audax in 2019 and 2020.

In the event that specific quality levels are not respected, Audax is required to pay a variable automatic compensation: (i) if the service is performed beyond the expected standard, but within double the time compared to the standard, the compensation is equal to €25.00 (basic automatic compensation); (ii) if the service is performed more than double the expected standard time but within triple the standard time, the compensation is equal to €50.00; (iii) if the service is performed more than triple the expected standard time, the compensation is equal to 75.00 Euros. Both for the supply of electricity and for the supply of gas, in case of violation of specific quality standards falling within the competence of the Distributor, Audax is required to credit the end Customer who requested the service and for which the Distributor has not the specific level is respected, the automatic compensation received from the Distributor. For complaints relating to the electricity supply distribution and metering service and the gas supply distribution service, Audax requests the Distributor for the technical data necessary to send the response to the Customer. For these services, the Customer can send the complaint directly to the Distributor, who is required to respond to the Customer no later than 20 (twenty) working days.
The Customer who currently uses the enhanced protection service/gas protection service, by adhering to the offer, will choose to switch to the free market which allows consumers to change supplier free of charge, choosing the tariff that best suits their needs, unlike the Service of Protection or Greater Protection whose prices are established by ARERA. In any case, the Customer may decide to return to the greater protection service/gas protection service; in particular for the supply of gas, you may request the protection conditions regulated by ARERA by contacting Audax at the following addresses:
• by e-mail, to one of the following addresses: or;
• by telephone, to the Customer Service number 011/9653739 or toll-free number 800.595.455.
Furthermore, its commercial offers include the supply at the economic conditions defined pursuant to the TIVG and the contractual conditions referred to in resolution no. 229/01, which Customers can still choose.
The Customer can always submit a complaint against the Supplier, also via the form already prepared and available on the website The complaint can be sent:
• via ordinary or registered mail, addressed to AUDAX RENEWABLES Srl, via Candiolo n. 2/4 - 10048 Vinovo (TO);
• by fax, to the number 011/0122660;
• by e-mail, to one of the following addresses: or;
• by telephone, to the Customer Service number 011/9653739 or toll-free number 800.595.455. Audax generally responds to complaints within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt.
In the event of no response after 40 (forty) days from the sending of the complaint or an unsatisfactory response, the Customer may request the free activation of an extrajudicial conciliation procedure, for the purposes of carrying out the mandatory conciliation attempt referred to in Annex A to the resolution of the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment (ARERA) n. 209/2016/E/com, pursuant to art. 2, paragraph 24, letter. b), of Law no. 481/95 and art. 141, paragraph 6, letter. c) of the Legislative Decree. 206/2005 (the “Consumer Code”). The conciliation attempt is a condition for the admissibility of a possible legal claim and can be carried out at the ARERA Conciliation Service: the Customer can submit the conciliation application(s) online on the site, directly or through a delegate, also belonging to consumer or trade associations, or (ii) in offline mode only directly, by post, fax or any other channels indicated on the aforementioned website, without prejudice to online management of the procedure. The conciliation request cannot be submitted more than one year from the date of sending the complaint. The Customer will thus be able to effectively protect their rights, without incurring costly costs or lengthy legal proceedings.
The Supplier recognizes the Customer's fundamental rights indicated pursuant to the Consumer Code, such as, among others, the right to adequate information, to exercise commercial practices according to principles of good faith, correctness and loyalty, as well as correctness, transparency and fairness in contractual relationships. To protect consumers, Audax has adopted a voluntary self-regulation protocol regarding confirmation of the Customer's negotiating intent and unsolicited activations, which can be consulted on the website here. In particular, in the event that the transition to a new electricity and/or gas supplier occurs without respecting the preventive rules for confirming the Contract, after the complaint the Customer may voluntarily adhere to the quick restoration procedure to return to previous supplier. This possibility supports the procedures established by the Consumer Code regarding the verification of an unsolicited supply. The Customer can obtain protection by sending a written complaint in the manner described, by post, fax, e-mail or PEC, to the following addresses: AUDAX RENEWABLES SRL, via Candiolo n. 2/4 - 10048 Vinovo (TO), fax: 011/0122660, e-mail PEC: For further information, see here.
For any information on the offer, you can contact us at the following numbers:
Via Candiolo n. 2/4 - 10048 Vinovo (TO)
Toll-free number: 800 595 455 (*)
(*) Hours: from 08.00 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays)
Tel.: 011/9653739 (**)
(**) Hours: from 08.00 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays)
*The cost of the call varies depending on the telephone operator
Fax: 011/0122660
Via Candiolo n. 2/4 - 10048 Vinovo (TO)
Toll-free number: 800 595 455 (*)
(*) Hours: from 08.00 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays)
Tel.: 011/9653739 (**)
(**) Hours: from 08.00 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays) *The cost of the call varies depending on the telephone operator Fax: 011/0122660
Toll-free number: 800 595 455
Tel.: 011/9653739
The service is active on our website from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 18.00 (excluding national holidays).
Contact me
Economic values
- Type of offer: Gas
- Wholesale Price (PSV)
- Consumption contribution (spread) 0.0532 €/Smc
- Fixed marketing costs €282.60/PDR/year
- Variable marketing costs €0.1410/Smc
- Payment method: direct debit to CC
- Sending bill: E-mail

- Access the wholesale market conditions reserved for energy operators with the addition of a small contribution to fixed consumption for the first 12 months
- Transparent tariffs, you can check the gas index (PSV) at any time on the Energy Market Manager website. (or on our site when we have it)
MAIN FEATURES OF THE OFFER (VAT and taxes excluded) |
Offer type: fixed and invariable price customer other uses |
PRICE OF EXPENSES FOR NATURAL GAS MATERIAL: Price of the natural gas material component: Wholesale price (PSV) + a spread equal to 0.0932 €/Smc, and for the 63% affects the annual expenditure of a typical non-domestic customer who consumes 5,000 Smc. The average value of the wholesale price (PSV) of the last 12 months is 1.1901 €/Sm3 and the maximum value reached in the last 12 months is equal to 2.4987 €/Sm3. This value was reached in August 2022. Marketing Costs: 0.0845€/Smc + 0.77425€/PDR/day (282.60€/PDR/year) and affects the annual expenditure for 7% of a typical non-domestic customer consuming 5,000 SMC |
COSTS FOR TRANSPORT AND MANAGEMENT OF THE METER: for 30% they affect the annual expense: of a typical non-domestic customer consuming 5,000 SMC. |
EXPENSES FOR SYSTEM CHARGES: these affect the annual expenditure for 0% of a typical non-domestic customer consuming 5,000 SMC. |
OTHER GAMES for each request forwarded to the Distributor, in addition to the costs published on the Distributor's website, the Customer will be required to pay a flat rate fee which varies depending on the request (see art. 15 CGF). |
Terms of payment:direct debit on CC / Postal order |
Sending bill: E-mail (and in any case also via electronic invoice via Exchange System - SDI) |
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