

Extract from the “INTRODUCTION”


It is difficult to try to take stock of the past year without mentioning the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on our lives, even today with an effective vaccine available. From a work point of view, for example, home working has altered what seemed to be the immutable daily alternation between home and office.

Looking from the point of view of the energy sector, it was a year of recovery in consumption after the net decline resulting from the severe measures lockdown of the first part of 2020, but also of an increase in energy prices and, consequently, in bills. This happened both at world level and in Italy.

Even more than the previous one, there was talk of the Energy Transition as an obligatory path to mitigate the effects of climate change and achieve a decarbonised society. Renewables are now a reality in terms of generation and price per kWh, but not only. Green finance (also thanks to the European Taxonomy) is increasingly stronger and more widespread, as is the bankability of environmentally sustainable projects. And the in-depth reflections made on "green" hydrogen (produced with electricity from RES) as an energy carrier of the near future demonstrate that solutions capable of profoundly changing the picture are being sought.

However, many lights also correspond to shadows. First of all, fossil fuels are not in decline, given that several nations in full industrial growth (India and China) struggle to imagine completely sustainable ways of development. At least in the terms set by the European Union and its ambitious programs. Natural gas itself, today overshadowed by the hydrogen hypothesis, cannot be considered an outdated option.

In our country, there are additional difficulties represented by long and cumbersome administrative procedures that hinder the full development of wind and photovoltaic energy, as demonstrated by the unsuccessful auctions of the summer.

Looking at the end consumer market, Italy is still awaiting the completion of the liberalization of electricity (this will take place in January 2023). Yet, given the data in hand, abandoning the protected area is worthwhile both in terms of monetary savings on the bill and in terms of eco-sustainability thanks to the numerous offers of electricity generated from carbon free and renewable sources (as we propose at Audax Renewables).

Finally, a topic close to our sensitivity as retailers is that of customer acquisition and loyalty methods, which today are unfortunately subject to many, too many, variables. Offering additional services and products becomes a winning solution, now that energy has transformed into a commodity without any appeal in the purchasing dynamics of the user-consumer. 


Finally, a fact that closely concerns Audax. With the middle of 2021 there was a change in the name: from Audax Energia we became Audax Renewables. This happened both in Italy and in other markets, with the sole exception of Spain, where the name Audax Renovables was maintained. Different idioms that nevertheless mean the same commitment. Not just a simple and superficial rebranding action, but an important sign that aligns brand-mission-values. Or if you prefer, it finally makes "what we call ourselves", what we "are" and what "we believe in" coincide. With renewable and sustainable energy as the common denominator. 


These insights of mine, now collected in this ebook, had - over the last 12 months - originally found space on the Audax Renewables website and on the LinkedIn platform.


Enjoy the reading!


Francesco Calabretta

Cluster Leader Italy and Hungary Audax Renewables



AUDAX RENEWABLES Marchio commerciale di Audax Energia S.r.l. - Sede legale Corso Tazzoli n. 235, 10137 Torino (TO) Registro Imprese di Torino REA To-1099939 - C.F./P.IVA 10027190015 - Capitale Sociale: €1.600.000,00 totalmente versato. Società soggetta all'attività di direzione e coordinamento di Audax Renovables S.A.
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