
The group


Audax Renovables SA, the result of the merger between Audax Energía SA and Audax Renovables, is a company listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange that operates in the energy sector, and in particular in the production and marketing of renewable 100% electricity and gas. Born in Spain in 2012, it is now present on the markets of Germany, Holland, Portugal, Poland, Hungary and Italy.

The Group has 400 thousand customers across Europe and over 700 employees. With a constantly growing turnover and the desire to expand its market shares, Audax occupies prominent positions in the countries where it is present.

Audax Renovables is the production of "green" energy from wind and photovoltaic: the generation projects from renewable sources - currently in various stages of development - located between Spain, France, Poland and Panama amount to 2,500 MW.

Innovation, sustainability, attention to customers, attention to other markets: it immediately proved to be a balanced mix of these elements.

The launch of new services and the introduction of new tariff solutions go in the direction of an ever-increasing ability to respond to the diversified needs of users, in an energy market that was not very flexible until a few years ago and dominated by large companies that were hardly inclined to change.


Innovation, sustainability, attention to customers, an eye to other markets: right from the start Audax has shown that it is a balanced mix of these elements.

For example, Audax Renovables, the Group company dedicated to the production of electricity from clean sources, with 185 MW of installed capacity and 5 wind farms in operation and under construction located in Spain, France, Poland and Panama, is one of the main Iberian operators in the renewable energy sector. More than 35% of the energy marketed by Audax comes from renewable sources.

The launch of new services and the introduction of unprecedented tariff solutions go in the direction of an ever-increasing ability to respond to the diversified needs of users, in an energy market that until a few years ago was inflexible and dominated by large companies that are hardly inclined to change.


Experience shows that investing in the future, promoting transformations, knowing how to make decisions quickly are essential ingredients for growth and, therefore, guaranteeing an even more efficient and satisfying service.

Focus on people, encourage entrepreneurship, stimulate ideas, generate opportunities. In this way, value is brought not only to the company but to society in general, as evidenced by the creation of almost 2,000 jobs.

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AUDAX RENEWABLES Marchio commerciale di Audax Energia S.r.l. - Sede legale Corso Tazzoli n. 235, 10137 Torino (TO) Registro Imprese di Torino REA To-1099939 - C.F./P.IVA 10027190015 - Capitale Sociale: €1.600.000,00 totalmente versato. Società soggetta all'attività di direzione e coordinamento di Audax Renovables S.A.
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