19 May 2023
Audax Group. An excellent first quarter of 2023
Group Audax. An excellent first quarter 2023 May 2023. The numbers for this first quarter demonstrate how the actions undertaken by the Group in previous years - which we know were marked by market volatility - are giving extremely positive results. A fact that, in light of events such as the conflict in Ukraine or the [...]
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31 March 2023
Audax and technology. Open, pragmatic and secular approach
Audax and technology. Open, pragmatic and secular approach Giorgio Carzedda, Debt Collection Department, explains the attitude of Audax Renewables towards technology in an interview for WoW Tech, the Timenet podcast dedicated to ICT and Digital. [Listen to the episode on Spotify] Q. Hi Giorgio, tell us about Audax Renewables and its approach to business […]
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2 March 2023
2022. A year with a "+" sign for Audax Renovables
2022. A year with a "+" sign for Audax Renovables March 2023. Strengthened by the vertical integration between renewable 100% energy generation and electricity and gas supply, the Group Audax was able to successfully manage the high volatility of energy markets globally, marked - as known - by the conflict in Europe [...]
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20 February 2023
Audax Renovables: strategic agreement with Shell
Audax Renovables: strategic agreement with Shell February 2023 | Audax Renovables has signed a strategic agreement with Shell Energy Europe Limited for the supply of electricity and gas in Spain. In this way, Audax at the same time, it ensures a competitive supply of electricity and gas and the strategic advantage of sustainable and profitable growth. […]
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27 January 2023
Active resilience, antidote to the difficult international situation
Active resilience, antidote to the difficult international situation by Francesco CALABRETTA Cluster Leader Hungary and Italy - Audax Renewables * The article is taken from the eBook by Audax Renewables Change starts from energy. 5 themes for a world in transformation, downloadable for free in the pdf version. We don't know how the years that have just passed - 2020-2022 - will [...]
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26 January 2023
EBOOK: "CHANGE STARTS FROM ENERGY" 2022 has been an intense and difficult year. At the tail end of the pandemic and the key issue of climate change - which requires immediate and effective responses - have been added the profound energy crisis and the economic consequences of Russian military aggression in Ukraine. An intense and difficult year […]
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12 December 2022
Our future? Go through the energy transition*
Our future? Move on from the energy transition* Among the words that have made their way in the last five years, it is difficult not to mention "transition". "Transition", i.e. that period necessary if you want to profoundly change a situation without this leading to a radical change and uncertain outcomes, i.e. to a "revolution". Every Transition is […]
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5 December 2022
Audax Renewables wins the "Energy Transition" Award
Audax Renewables wins the "Energy Transition" Award Spanish Official Chamber of Commerce Awards 2022 Audax Renewables obtains the "Energy Transition" recognition at the 16th edition of the Awards that the Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Italy dedicates to Spanish and Italian companies that have distinguished themselves in the consolidation of economic-commercial relations between the two countries. Identification […]
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30 September 2022
Energy today. The "Expensive Bills" Problem
Energy today. The problem of "Expensive bills" The sharp increases in energy bills for electricity and gas illustrate better than any other story the difficult economic and political situation in which, unfortunately, we find ourselves. A period of great turbulence on the energy markets that began in the summer of 2021 and whose negative effects have further magnified […]
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1 June 2022
Audax Renewables and BFF agreement for factoring services in Italy and Spain
Agreement Audax Renewables and BFF for factoring services in Italy and Spain Milan, May 2022 – BFF, the largest specialized financial operator in Italy, leader in Europe in the factoring sector for the Public Administration and the National Health Service, has signed a multi-country agreement with Audax Renewables, a vertically integrated energy group that generates […]
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